Leadership Training
Considering all the ideas and articles on leadership to those three important
points are worth noting: human, influence and purpose.
Leadership of people takes place, comprises a user and a certain influence is
targeted. Breakthrough of human relations is to be passive. Also affecting reach
a point or an object is used to accomplish.
Leadership requires reciprocity alone is not a phenomenon, takes place between
people. Do not mix paper, beyond the human-oriented problem-solving activity,
which is dynamic and involves the use of force. When we look at the common
characteristics of leaders is worth noting that the characteristics listed below:
To have a vision.
Be passionate and devoted
Faithful, committed and be consistent
By way of example
Distrust / Followers to rely on
Be reliable / Followers have won the confidence of
To motivate
Expectations integration with vision
To inspire
Be focused on the development
Having a sense of justice
Be humble
Be a good listener
Open to communicate
People are not sensitive to the
Be sensitive to the situation
Be innovative
Rapid and effective decision-making
Be flexible
Speed (the efficient use of time)
Synergistic be able to team
Having knowledge of
Aha leadership to better understand what happened on the other side of the coin
look or push factors leading to failure also need to review. Purdue University
Krannert Graduate School of Management Dean Richard A. Cossie below, we will
examine the factors, which is very successful in the past emphasizes that
applies to leaders. Richard Cosier has mentioned the spots fall under five
Non-active change management, a factor which prepares the failure of leaders. In
this policy, the work habits can not let our past leaders, can not keep pace
with future innovations will be highlighted.
The lack of ability to listen, leader of the factors affecting the success of
the latter. At this point you do not like the leader himself, exaggerating the
events and issues condescend to give the necessary attention, overlooked causes
of important issues. However, listening is the most effective communication
tool. Want to energy, attention, whether you want to certify and have no place
in thoughtfulness are listening.
"Be Lucky, is better than being good." As will be noted that these principles do
not place a chance and I'm connecting to my fate to chance and external
influences, I draw myself with thoughts like leadership will not overlap.