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The first computer and function


In 1937, Harvard University's Howard-Aiken, the first automatic calculator (MARK-II) in 1943, the University of Pennsylvania from the jperkert the first functional computer that weighing 30 tons and the second 5000 that operate the ENIAC [Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator] (Electronic Numerical Verifier and Computer) 's did.

ENIAC, weighing 30 tons; 9x15-meter to fill a room; calculation of electric pulses mekaniik 1500 relay (from starter) passed 18,000 flowed from the very radio lamp. ENIAC was necessary to run the 150,000 watts of energy. ENIAC, could only store data equivalent to 80 characters.

Lambala all of the runs, a team of engineers to solve the problem simply plugging ENIAC 6000 cable hands were dreaming of.

1951-1959 were used between the vacuum tube in computers manufactured. These tubes are about the size of a light bulb, consumes too much energy and too much heat will radiate idyll. Data and programs, such as magnetic tape and drums were stored by means of information storage. Data and computer programs were loaded with punch cards.

Transistors in computers produced between 1959-1964 (10 thousand units) were used. COBOL, FORTRAN, ALGOL high level language and operating system were developed. Between 1964-1970, produced integrated circuits used in computers, tens of thousands of small silicon chip was placed in the circuit. Low cost, high reliability, small size, low power consumption and fast micro-computer chip to be used in making this caused.

After the 1970s, large-scale integrated circuits began to be used. The use of these technologies in computer hardware and reliability increases the computational speed and the volume was much smaller.

A single integrated circuit chip called a microprocessor with the implementation of the single-user computers, cheap computers are manufactured. The first IBM Personal Computer, the market took off in August of 1981.

IBM, in the spring of 1983, the company, the first personal computer, the hard drive in the PC / XT CPC released. Drive, a built-in storage device working, has 10 megabyte.

In 1984, IBM, Intel's 80286 microprocessor, based on the second generation of high-performance computer from PC AT was introduced. It was three times faster than the IBM PC.

In 1984, the first popular graphical operating system, Apple entered the market when they introduced the Macintosh. Microsoft word processor and spreadsheet programs for Macintosh firm wrote.

In May 1990, Windows 3.0 was released.

Today, artificial intelligence will be used on computers that are underway.


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